We all have a past. Things we wished we had never done, things that have caused us deep pain, things that have been done to us that were out of our control. In the midst of darkness, something deep down knows there is hope…

One encounter with Jesus changes everything.

God is love. And there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.

We invite you to spend the next year of your life with us being completely transformed by the love of God. We want to help you get rooted and established in your beloved identity, to walk in complete freedom from your past, and to learn how to be a bold witness for Christ and His Kingdom wherever you go.

YOU can be transformed.

Join us for the 2025-2026 school year!


Lifestyle Christianity’s mission

Lifestyle Christianity exists to see a generation walk in their God-given identity by equipping people to encounter Jesus daily and walk like He says we can.



When Jesus died on the cross, He didn’t just die for us but as us. Jesus’ sacrifice enables us to live with a clean conscience—free from guilt, shame, and condemnation. Jesus paid the highest price for our sanctification; by His blood, issues from our past don’t have to define our present or future. 



Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years. He was at the point of suicide when God came into his life and set him free. As a new believer, Todd began sharing the simplicity of the Kingdom Gospel and what Jesus Christ accomplished at the cross. Since this time, Todd has been passionately pursuing his call.


our leadership

We’re raising up the next generation! No matter what your story is or how you got here, we believe that Jesus is inviting you into THE MORE. Our team comes from various walks and backgrounds that have equipped them to walk out the lifestyle Jesus paid on the cross and to help others experience the same.

OUR Location

7200 Denton Highway
Watauga, TX 76148

(817) 893-2901 LCU Admissions
(817) 893-2900 LC Main Office

Encounter Jesus
Walk in Freedom
Live the Lifestyle

meet the team

Todd White

Founder & President

Jonathan Landis

Chief Operating Officer

Tom Dermott

LCU Director

Melanie pineros


dak williams

Production Director

andrew douty

Security & Facilities Director

Marci fish

LCU Pastor

Abby lavarda

LCU Admissions Coordinator

Connor Knieling

LCU Intern Pastor

ronnie rosas 

LCU Student Pastor

Heather crowe

LCU Student Pastor

Bruce cataldo

Power and Love Director

mary maritz

LCU Registrar

Evan Brussel

Marketing Director

Edgar killingsworth

Creative Specialist

Andressa Arendartchuk

Administrative Assistant


Embers Director

Isaac Jason

Marketing Manager


Freedom in Christ

When Jesus died on the cross, He didn’t just die for us but as us. Jesus’ sacrifice enables us to live with a clean conscience—free from guilt, shame, and condemnation. Jesus paid the highest price for our sanctification; by His blood, issues from our past don’t have to define our present or future. As the Bible says, “We are new creatures in Christ.” He has already done the work. We just have to believe it.

Righteous Conviction

When we say yes to Him, the Holy Spirit brings conviction of our right-standing with the Father. Conviction of our right-standing with God causes us to no longer have a desire to do things that are unpleasing to Him. When we see ourselves as He sees us—through the lens of righteousness, we don’t want to do things that violate our love relationship with the Father.

The Lifestyle of Jesus

Everywhere we go, we emulate Jesus. Colossians tells us that Christ in us is the hope of glory! We can’t afford to limit ourselves and think that only Jesus could walk in the miraculous. We as Christians have Christ in us, and the same power that raised Him from the grave. We must believe that Jesus wants to work through us for supernatural results.

Adoption into His Family

Adoption is powerful. When we come to Christ, we are adopted into a new life, family, and bloodline. It’s important that we know that the reality of the gospel is that Jesus paid a price to establish sons and daughters with God as their Father. If we understand Who’s we are, we’ll never question who we are, because He paid the highest price.

Intimacy with the Lord

God loves us and wants a relationship with each of us. He longs for us to dive into the Word to know Him. God knows the details of each one of our lives, but time alone with Him changes everything. We begin to know Him in ways that we never thought possible as we step into an intimate relationship with the King of kings!

Radical Generosity

Generosity is our privilege because Jesus was first generous toward us. Each day is an opportunity to bless people with our words and acts of kindness. To be blessed means to be on the receiving end of the tangible and intangible favor of God. As we live full of generosity towards others, we reveal the nature of our generous Father.

His Blood Is Enough

What if we fully realized that Jesus didn’t just cleanse us from sin but removed it from us – never to be revisited again. When we believe that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, we will live in a place of “conviction” – being constantly reminded of who we are in Jesus so that we don’t step into who we aren’t. His laws, written on our hearts—not the old sinful nature—controls our life. True freedom!

Grace-Enabled Living

Jesus paid a valuable price because He wants to restore our broken lives and put them back together like we could never imagine! As we grow in God, much is expected and required of us. But in a relationship with Holy Ghost, grace is released that enables us to walk out what His truth calls us to! By grace, we are saved, but it’s through a relationship that we abide in restful freedom, ‘becoming love’ to everyone we encounter.

God's Word Transforms

Studying God’s Truth empowers us to believe in who He is, who we are, and how He wants us to live. His Word was not given so we can teach others biblical facts. His Word was given so we can enter into a relationship with the living God! Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would dwell in us and, as we are dependent upon Him, He is ready, willing, and available to reveal all Truth to us (John 16:13; 1 John 2:27).